Palettblad med trip och larvae

Hej! My beautiful indoor palettblad is now sick with trips and larvae (green thin ones, maybe from grönsaksfly?), and I am desperate these are making it sick :(What is the best control for such pests in this case??
These trips and Larvae killed my two gorgeous indoor basil and are affecting my two palettblad and I am afraid it might spread to my other indoor plants as well.
Tusen tack in advance!


  • Hi Amanda,

    Thanks for your question.
    Trips are really hard to get rid of, cut the "palettblad" down a little and you can try to spray with "såpsprit".

    New soil is also a good alternetive.

    Otherwise we usually sell this product Insektsspray Substral thats works for trips.

    Try to put your plats by them self so the insects don't spreed to other plants.

    Have a nice evening!
    Josefin Lundgren
  • Hi Josefin,
    Thanks for your message and advice!
    Where can I find såpsprit? How can I make it at home?
    What about the larvae, what could I do to get rid of them and avoid new ones?
    Tusen tack!
  • Hi Amanda,

    Start to mix såpa with 0,5dl/Liter water. If that dosn´t work you can put 2-3 drops of T-röd in the mix with såpa.

    If it's Grönsaksfly you need to treat it with LARVskydd that you can by in our stores.
    But I would start to just pick them away and kill dem when you see one.

    Have a nice evening!
    Josefin Lundgren
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