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Ball chrysanthemum looks very weak at the patio

Hi! I have bought beautiful ball chrysanthemum bush from you at the end of August and planted it in a large plastic cold-resistant flower pot at the patio (Stockholm area). Regular soil from the supermarket, ceramsite for better drainage and holes in the bottom of the pot. First week and a half flowers were strong and healthy, until the daily rains started. Other flowers at the patio look fine, but the bush became very week, all flower heads are hanging down. But still the flowers and leaves look alive, not rotten or something. I thought the flower is overwatered, so I took it from the pot and dried the roots a bit with paper towels, also dried the rest of the soil slightly under the sun. Now I hide the flower under umbrella from the rain, but it looks more and more weak. How can I help it and bring it back to life?

Also I wonder how to help my outdoor potted plants to survive the winter. Should I take them to the house when it gets colder and provide them artificial light? Will it not be too hot and dry for them inside? Thanks!



  • Hey!
    It is difficult to say what has happened. It looks like it has dried. But if it has rained a lot and it has been wet and looked the same, that should not be the reason. Ball chrysanthemum are thirsty plants and like even moisture. They do not bloom for many weeks, but it does not look really overblown either. They usually do not need any care other than watering. Feel how the soil feels, if it is dry, start watering it gently and see if it helps. What are the plants you want to overwinter? Some can be taken in a bright window, preferably with extra light. Perennials can certainly be left outside.

    Frida Nyberg Trädgårdsmästare
  • Thank you for reply. It is really strange, because it was fine and strong before rains start, and I watered it each second day carefully to avoid over-watering, and then after heavy rains the earth in the pot turned to mud and since it looks how it looks . Should I take it home to start gentle watering, or will it be too warm and dry for the flower?

    Other plants that I want to keep alive through the winter are: this ball, several small chrysanthemums, several types of Stäppsalvia, Lammöron 'Silver Carpet', Lavandin 'Edelweiss', Lavendel 'Munstead', several types of heather (calluna) and also composition of flowers which names I do not know (attached photo). I tried to use the names in Swedish to avoid the mess (all plants bought from Blomsterlandet, so I just took the names from web page). I will be happy to provide them any treatment, artificial light and care to help my plants to survive normally.

    Thank you for your help and sorry for my English, we have recently moved to Sweden 😀
  • Hello again! Yes, maybe it was damaged by the rain and has a hard time recovering from it. Unfortunately, it will probably get worse if taken indoors. These are usually difficult to overwinter, as they must have a bright and cool location.
    Some of the plants on the balcony can remain there even in winter, such as stäppsalvia, lavender, revsuga (in the pot), lammöra, calluna. The others are allowed to remain as long as they can. Unfortunately, they do not overwinter outside or inside in room temperatur.
    Frida Nyberg Trädgårdsmästare
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